Broome Skippycoin ICG


Western Australia


Community, Business and Visitor Town Portal

Broome Who's Who

Distinguished and Famous people from Broome

Broome, located in Western Australia, Australia, has been home to numerous distinguished and famous individuals throughout its history. Below are some notable individuals associated with the town of Broome:

1. Paddy Roe (1920-2001)

Paddy Roe was an Indigenous Australian elder, traditional lawman, and author who belonged to the Goolarabooloo people. He was one of the founders of the KALACC (Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre) and played a crucial role in the recognition and preservation of Aboriginal culture and traditions. Roe received national recognition for his services and became a recipient of the Order of Australia Medal.

2. Jimmy Chi (1948-2017)

Jimmy Chi was an influential playwright, composer, and musician of the Broome community. He is best known for creating the pioneering Australian musical, "Bran Nue Dae," which premiered in 1990. The musical showcased Indigenous Australian experiences and became an iconic representation of Aboriginal culture. Chi's work significantly contributed to the recognition and celebration of Indigenous arts in Australia.

3. Sunil Badami (Born 1972)

Sunil Badami is an acclaimed author, performer, and broadcaster with ancestral links to Broome. He is known for his literary works, including his memoir "Double Exposure," where he explores his multicultural background and heritage. Badami has also been a regular contributor to various Australian radio programs and publications, offering insightful perspectives on cultural diversity and identity.

4. Kumantjayi "Charlie" Perkins (1936-2000)

Although not originally from Broome, Charlie Perkins played a significant role in the town's history. Perkins, an Aboriginal activist and civil rights leader, led the famous 1965 "Freedom Ride" through rural New South Wales to protest against racial discrimination. Perkins later became the first Indigenous Australian to graduate from a university and worked tirelessly to improve the lives of Aboriginal people across the country.

Please note that while every effort has been made to provide accurate and factual information, it is always advised to verify the details from reliable sources.

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Red cliffs at Gantheaume Point near Broome
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